Huge congratulations to Mark who has joined the top 2% of the population as a member of Mensa. In typical modest fashion, Mark sat the test on a recent weekend and didn’t mention it to any of his teachers!

Huge congratulations to Mark who has joined the top 2% of the population as a member of Mensa.
In typical modest fashion, Mark sat the test on a recent weekend and didn’t mention it to any of his teachers! Mark’s proud parents were delighted to share the news that he had achieved the maximum score of 162 for the test.
British Mensa has approximately 1,600 members under the age of 18 and, as a youth member, Mark will be invited to the annual Future Paths Conference held at either Oxford or Cambridge to attend inspirational seminars from motivational speakers.
“We are so proud of Mark and look forward to seeing him continue his learning journey, as he moves to the senior school in September,” said Mr Kendall, Head of QEH Juniors.