Boys Only

Boys Only
Senior Head’s Welcome Why Boys Only? Academic Pastoral Lower School (Years 7 and 8) Year 9 Middle School (Years 10 and 11) Medical And Health Catering Enrichment Sport Performing Arts Music Music Technology Drama Co-curricular Clubs and Activities Trips Outdoor Pursuits Futures GCSE Results Why Boys Only? We believe that, in the earlier years of [...]

Why Boys Only?

We believe that, in the earlier years of school, boys learn best this way.

At QEH, we understand boys and teach in ways that suit them. We know their foibles, their tendency to leave things until the last moment and their need to be active in their learning. And we understand how to coax them out of the teenage blues.


In a boys’ only environment – in our lower and middle school – boys are freer to acknowledge their feelings and develop self-confidence, and are less likely to succumb to unhelpful stereotypes of subjects or activities being ‘for boys’ or ‘for girls’. This means they’re just as happy to read a poem in assembly, sing in the choir and perform on the stage as they are to play in the rugby or football team.


By the time they reach Year 12, boys tend to have grown in confidence, matured academically and emotionally, and our outstanding co-educational Sixth Form allows both boys and girls to learn and work together during their final two years of school.


Since joining the school, we have been constantly amazed by the support and kindness given by the teachers, staff and other pupils and, above all, by the injection of fun that infiltrates throughout whether they're playing sport, completing a science project and participating in a school play.  No doubt there will be challenges ahead but we're confident the school will provide the support and guidance that has our sons' best interests at heart.
Michelle, Current Parent

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