Our Pastoral Care
‘‘The school gets boys. It’s the way the teachers talk to the boys. And if there is anything, it’s dealt with straight away.” Current Parent
We know what makes a boy ‘tick’ and we endeavour to support pupils and parents as they progress through the school. We believe that each boy’s needs are catered for in an individual way, so that he may achieve his utmost potential.

We focus on life skills to develop the whole child.
We generate the development of personal qualities such as good manners, reliability, punctuality, caring for others and a sense of humour!
Being a small school, all staff know the pupils well and endeavour to keep an eye on their well-being and mental welfare. Parents are advised if there are issues and support is tailored through the school counsellor or through services provided by outside providers.
We take a proactive approach to pastoral care and to help us with this we are an accredited AS (Affective Social) Tracking school. This is an online pastoral assessment, action planning and tracking tool used by more than 60 leading UK independent schools. It supports our pastoral team, helping us to give each pupil the right pastoral support at the right time.
“They understand him. My son’s a massively different person . . . He’s happy and sporty now.” Year 3 Parent