The Futures programme is central to QEH’s mission of equipping young people with the skills and character they need to make a positive influence on the world. We want our pupils to understand and be excited by the world of work – to have a vision for their future that motivates them, and which they can meaningfully break down into a series of concrete steps.
Our Futures programme complements and extends many areas of QEH’s outstanding co-curricular provision. It leverages the best of what the school currently does, encouraging pupils to reflect periodically on how they are developing as individuals and to consider what this could mean for their next steps. Our vision is that every child will be prepared for their future.

In order to achieve this, we want to see our pupils:
Aware of their options at different stages of their education;
Taking ownership of decisions about their future;
Developing an understanding of themselves – their strengths, their passions, their motivations – and an idea of how this could translate into a future occupation;
Able to articulate their vision for their future, and the steps they are going to take to get there;
Prepared to deal with challenges they may face along the way; and
Excited about their future and optimistic about the world they will enter as adults.
The Futures programme at QEH is:
Comprehensive: careers interventions will begin early and occur frequently throughout a pupil’s time at QEH. Every pupil will get to experience a workplace and engage with multiple employers.
Embedded: delivery of the Futures programme does not sit solely with the Futures department, but is spread across the school.
Strategic: Futures events (e.g. workplace experiences or personal development workshops) are planned within the overarching Futures framework. As such, they will be a meaningful component of a pupil’s journey – not an ad-hoc “add on”.
Inspiring: we will present pupils with a range of opportunities and role models – opening their eyes not just to the breadth of their options but also the diversity of the modern workplace.

Pupils and their parents / carers can expect:
To feel informed about decisions concerning their future, for example when deciding on subjects to take at GCSE and beyond, or when considering post-16 and post-18 destinations.
To engage with employers and professionals representing a range of industries through workplace visits, attending external functions (e.g. attending trade fairs or competitions) and in-school events such as our annual Futures Fair or subject-specific Enrichment days.
To be regularly encouraged to reflect on their personal development and consider what this might mean for their next steps.
To have a say over the Futures provision within the school and to shape their own experiences, for example by participating in the Futures Pupil Panel, or by being given a range of options when it comes to workplace visits.
To have access to impartial advice and guidance throughout their time at school.
Keep up to date with the latest Futures news by following our Twitter account @FuturesQeh. Please also enjoy reading the latest QEH Futures Bulletin.