Pupils need to feel happy and safe at school. If they do, they are free to enjoy their learning and they can explore new opportunities with confidence.
Visitors often comment on how self-assured and well mannered our pupils are. Their friendly spirit and good behaviour are partly the result of our unobtrusive but strong pastoral care.
In a school our size, we know every student. Each one has a personal Tutor and a Head of Year, and the School Counsellor is available to all. If something goes wrong, we spot it and, most importantly, we work hard to solve the problem effectively and sensitively.
New pupils quickly sense that QEH is a close-knit, caring community where individuals are both encouraged and encourage one another. We want to work in close partnership with parents especially if a pupil makes some mistakes as he navigates his teenage years. Together, parents and school can put him back on track.
Our students grow up to be tolerant, socially at ease and self-reliant. Of course we cannot take all the credit – but we are pleased to have played some part.