Friends of QEH

Friends of QEH
About Us About Aims and Values Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Friends of QEH Inspection Reports Policies Staff and Governors Sustainability Term Dates Transport Vacancies The QEH Podcast Old Elizabethans Alumni Friends of QEH The Friends of QEH is an active group of teachers and parents who help to build the school community from our Juniors [...]

Friends of QEH

The Friends of QEH is an active group of teachers and parents who help to build the school community from our Juniors right through to Sixth Form.

Friends has an active social calendar with a Quiz and Curry night, Shindig/ceilidh and a hugely popular Fireworks night which sees the Failand sports pitch packed with many hundreds of spectators.


We also provide a bar at many of the school theatre productions and events such as Battle of the Bands, Open Mic Night and Sports Day.


We realise that it’s often a challenge to meet with other parents in a secondary school setting, so first and foremost, our aim is to bring families together in a social setting, but these events also help to raise money for the school to provide “extras’ for every department that sit outside the usual school budgets. Our second hand Clothing Cupboard is a valuable source of uniform and also adds extra funds.


Over the last couple of years, the Friends have purchased a hi-tech sports video camera, bluetooth portable lighting for music and drama, a trailer, tents and equipment for outdoor pursuits, art and climbing equipment, plus contributing to many of the lunchtime clubs and other enrichment activities – all of which helps to make school life a bit more fun and exciting!


All parents are welcome to come along to meetings and to help out at events.


To find out more about the Friends activities or to get involved please email

The QEH Jazz Band plays some classic Christmas hits at the Friends' JingleJam.

Typical Friends Events include:

  • Battle of the Bands
  • Quiz and Curry Night
  • Lizzies Film Awards
  • Sports Day
  • Failand Fireworks
  • Jingle Jam
“Pupils are confident articulate communicators; they listen well and produce effective written work.”  ISI Report, 2022
ISI Report

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