2021 Senior Sixth Form

Captains of School – Children’s Mental Health Week

Former pupil Lawrence Dunhill (1994-1999) has been leading the way in reporting on the coronavirus pandemic. He was named ‘Specialist Journalist of the Year’ at the Press Gazette’s British Journalism Awards in 2020, for his work reporting on the pandemic.

Captains of School – Children’s Mental Health Week

Former pupil Lawrence Dunhill (1994-1999) has been leading the way in reporting on the coronavirus pandemic. He was named ‘Specialist Journalist of the Year’ at the Press Gazette’s British Journalism Awards in 2020, for his work reporting on the pandemic.

Captains of School, Ruby and Ashe, started the week by leading an assembly for Children’s Mental Health Week and the importance of self-expression.

The assembly can be viewed on the link below.

A morning of celebration at QEH as students collect their A-level results.

QEH Students Shine in their A-Level Results

Congratulations to all our pupils on their excellent GCSE results!

QEH Celebrates Another Year of Excellent GCSE Grades

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Welcome back to Year 10 and 12

Over the past week, Berkeley Squares has interviewed the five candidates for the Bristol mayor, one of whom will be elected by the residents of Bristol when they go to the polls on 6 May. 

Bristol Mayoral Elections – Interviews

On my first day of Senior School it felt like I was let into a new family.
Current Pupil
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