2020 Junior Senior Sixth Form

Sports Day with a difference

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Sports Day with a difference

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Saturday would have been our annual Sports Day at our recently re-developed Failand sports ground. Obviously this was unable to go ahead so instead we encouraged our school community to take part in our first ever QEH Family Sports Day in their back gardens!

We were overwhelmed with the response and our marketing team have been busy uploading all the wonderful photos and videos received to our Sports Day showcase. From 10km runs to sock throwing and with our youngest ever competitor at not quite two years old, it was a Sports Day to remember.

A huge thank you to all families who took part in this – we had no doubt the QEH community would rise to the occasion and it was great to see the competitive House spirit continue throughout lockdown.

Ollie is a QEH 'lifer', as he joined QEH Juniors in Year 3, eleven years ago.  It's been great to watch his development through the years, both on and off the pitch.

Ollie signs for the Bears!

Ollie is a QEH 'lifer', as he joined QEH Juniors in Year 3, eleven years ago.  It's been great to watch his development through the years, both on and off the pitch.

Meet The QEH Kickboxing British Champion!

As well as being Head of Religion and Philosophy, Zak leads our digital vision. He was instrumental in developing our excellent online learning offering during lockdown, much to the relief of our parents, and is now leading the roll out of our school device programme.

Life after QEH

Congratulations to our new Senior Prefect Team!

Senior Prefect Team 2021/22

Since joining the school, we have been constantly amazed by the support and kindness given by the teachers, staff and other pupils and, above all, by the injection of fun that infiltrates throughout whether they're playing sport, completing a science project and participating in a school play.  No doubt there will be challenges ahead but we're confident the school will provide the support and guidance that has our sons' best interests at heart.
Michelle, Current Parent
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