
Junior Head’s Welcome Pastoral Academic Ethos Creative Arts Sport and Activities Outdoor Education Additional Information Our Ethos "The nurturing environment that QEH provides has enabled him to settle in so much faster than we ever expected." Year 5 parent We believe in a Values-based, holistic and nurturing education. Values - based Education (VbE) helps instil [...]

Our Ethos

“The nurturing environment that QEH provides has enabled him to settle in so much faster than we ever expected.” Year 5 parent

We believe in a Values-based, holistic and nurturing education.

Values – based Education (VbE) helps instil key values, enabling pupils to live full lives. Values such as kindness, respect, courage, unity, patience, honesty and trust are at the heart of our school. We create a harmonious learning environment, modelled by our staff, and underpin school life with positive human values.

Holistic education is one that educates the whole child. It is not about cramming for exams but learning to accept the journey of growth is one that is not linear. Learning to fail, to recover and to succeed is key to our education as this builds resilience and confidence both in and out of the classroom.


Our holistic curriculum ensures that the pupils receive an education that allows them to be successful in all aspects of life and helps prepare them for senior school and beyond. Music, art, drama, sport and outdoor education surround the work in the classroom and enhance it.

We create a nurturing environment, one where boys feel safe and encouraged to do their best. They take risks and face challenges, be that in lessons, performing in a play or abseiling off a cliff face. We encourage boys to try new things, to believe in themselves and to overcome adversity through determination. Take a look at our Facebook page to keep up to date with what the boys are doing.


“I am constantly amazed by how much the boys are continuing to learn during their live lessons and how inspiring their teachers are. ” Year 5 and 6 Parent

On my first day of Senior School it felt like I was let into a new family.
Current Pupil

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